I have had a house guest for the past week. She is 13 yrs old and the whole story is rather sad. So, in order to spare you all the details let me just say that for some reason I am certain that God placed her in my life for a short period of time this summer. Both to teach me something and her also. It has been pretty amazing and instinctively I am still capable of living in the house with a teenager! It has been a V.E.R.Y. emotional week for me because of her. It is hard to explain and I am not sure anyone would understand it if I tried. Let me just say that if I was 20 years younger ( and healthier ) her life and mine would be changing right now. However, I know my limits and I know my heart ( not the one beating inside but the emotional one ). Maybe I'll talk more about it later but right now just let me say, PLEASE pray for her as I return her home (?). I have no idea why I am putting parenthesis's on everything here.
And in the midst of all the other DEEP emotions of the week, one of our dear church friends passed away at 52 years old. He had a massive heart attack in his sleep. He had not been feeling well during the day. Obviously. We have known him and his family since youth. We also have lots and lots of memories of life with him. He was a GREAT guy and Christian. So, there is our comfort. B, T & I sang at his funeral yesterday and it was packed with friends and family. He was a quiet and unassuming guy. He saw good in everyone! He didn't hold grudges and always had that little boy smile that made him so sweet. He loved to study the Bible and I could remember all the many times I have sat in a Bible class with him and he would comment on something and I was like, "Wow, how did he know that?" He was an outdoor guy, sportsman, hunter and he was still a conductor for the railroad. He could see retirement coming and was really looking forward to it. They had his worn Bible and his pocket knife in his hand. Both of those things were part of him! Life wasn't always fair for him. He had lived through some parts of life he wouldn't want to repeat. But, he was a good man. From a good family that loved him alot! Our new minister likened his death to a fishing boat that starts drifting away from the shoreline. We keep watching him drift out and pretty soon we can't see him from our side of the shore. But, on the otherside of the horizon a different group of friends and loved ones watch his boat sail in to their harbor, out of our sight. His Heavenly friends. Isn't that cool? I'll always have good memories of him in my life.
I have been on a movie kick this week. So far I have watched.......The Other Boleyn......... 27 Dresses......Sweet Home Alabama ( again ).........several LIFETIME movies........RUDY ( again )....... While You Were Sleeping ( again ).........and a couple of others.
JD will be proud of me. I am reading Twili*ght. And it started as good as she promised. I am enthralled so far and am looking forward to the next pages......and two books in the series. I love the writing style of the author, Steph*anie Me*yer.
So. My next adventure will be Princess J's birthday next weekend. Can't wait to be with them and watch her blow out her 1 candle. Then? Maybe the official Session One of Camp Neena can START.
Just so you know. The * in the paragraph above break up the title and the author or any other universal term that might provide a link. Then when people are googling stuff on the net for info my blog doesn't pop up for all the world to see. I didn't like that at all. That is also why I don't use titles anymore. It's just personal. And I am paranoid like that sometimes. I think I watch too many LIFETIME movies!