Monday, October 20, 2008

OCTOBER is officially BREAST CANCER AWARENESS month. I have done my part and had my annual mammogram. Have you?
I personally think that insurance companies should lower the age requirement so that all women, even youngun's in their 20's - 30's should be able to qualify for coverage. I have seen too many young women be diagnosed even when it's not hereditary.
Too many family and friends I know have had to deal with the nightmare of C.A.N.C.E.R. and the horrible treatments. I have a precious cousin fighting for her life right now and sweet friends who are doing the same. Life is hard enough ! PRAY FOR A CURE! But, do what you can to help yourself and others! Get your mammogram and support cancer research.......


JD said...

I know what you favorite bc slogan has to be "save the boobies" makes me giggle everytime.

SweetAnnee said...

Praise God ..what we have to fight canser and what will come..I had my mammogram and I agree..TOO many young women..20s diagnosed..Baselines should be then..evern with my canser..NOT girls are told 35

way too late

love ya Lynn..Deena