The new year has brought to mind all the exciting things I have in store for me. The top of the list is our new grandbaby who will be born in July. I am beside myself with excitement. Tonight I googled what a 14 week old baby would look like if the skin were a clear bubble! Even though he/she is so very tiny still it is very clearly a baby. I AM IN LOVE again. It seems like July is so far away. Please pray for JD and the baby. She has been sick with pregnancy related "stuff" and dealing with an almost 2 year old too. Plus, trying to take care of my son, who I am sorry to admit is spoiled rotten. By me. Sorry, JD.

Back in the 70's when I was beginning my journey as a mom, technology was just coming into the age where we could understand a little more of the miracle. But now? Oh my goodness. It just blows me away that now there are ultrasounds where you can actually see your baby just like a photo was sent through an email! So, now not only do we know before hand the sex of the baby but we know what they look like too.
Being a mother was what I was born to be, I suppose. If I could relive earthly moments just for one short time I'd choose the first time I looked down at my own babies in my arms.
Almost (?) all my friends are expecting additions to their families this year too. Don't be startled....I mean in the way of grandchildren. Although, stranger things have happened! I think it was a contagious year. It's a year of showers, pinks & blues, nurseries, waiting, waiting and waiting. Both of my surrogate daughters, the sister crew of Tara and Tracy are expecting girls! I am so excited for BOTH of them to be able to raise their little princesses together and such fun for Tawana. I can't wait to see their lives change as mommies. I remember being there when they were each born. I'll be Neena to those girls too! And, I hope to be sitting in the waiting room to hear those babies first cries. The fun never stops.
And, for those of you who have never experienced this grandmother season let me tell me you that it is amazing. I LOVE being NEENA. I have loved holding each of them in my arms for the first time and watching them grow. It's the most wonderful time of my life.
i love my little alien too.
What great promise
tis a miracle every time
I hope July comes quickly
fondly, Deena
A miracle for sure! Hope JD is feeling better! So exciting to anticipate these new little lives arrivals. My friend says they are launching souls into eternity. Wow, does that make you feel responsible or what! What a blessing, and yes, responsibility! Being a grandma is a wonderful time of life!
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