I think that most of us in Central Texas will
agree.....SUMMER IS HERE. The temperatures have been waivering at close to 100. No rain in weeks to measure. IT's HOT. School is officially over for most next week. With the later start of school this year in Texas, everyone is going to classes through the first week of June. Camp Neena is ready to kick off. I think Macy will be the first camper. We are looking forward to it. She's our snuggle bug. She has already gotton some ideas for us to do. For one, I know we will be catching frogs again. Or should I say, she'll be catching frogs. I am the look out. We set her up a small aquarium tank on the deck to put them in and then like last year, we'll let them go on the last day of camp. We have seen several different species of frogs around so she should have fun. Along with the geckos and chamelons. She loves her animals! Then she wants to go and get her nails done. Professionally. Not by me. She said she will sit as still as a staute. So, we will do that. Maybe the movies. Then mostly swim and I'll steal lots and lots of love.
This is what I have been doing for the last few weeks. PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES. And also, blackberries, boisenberries or as I call them dewberries. There is very little difference but they are SO SO good. My cereal bowl has been full of them. G's bluebell icecream bowl has been full and our freezer is getting full. I have given away more than I've kept. The berries need to be picked again today and so do the peaches. Most of the branches on the peach tree have clusters of peaches in no less than 7 per cluster. They look like grapes! If you bring a basket by, I'll be glad to help you pick!
Please, please, please send some to Houston! :O) They look so succulent! Have a blessed day!
They look yummy! Wish I were there to help you pick and eat them!
I would pick all day if I was there! Yum! I am wishing for homemade cobbler and ice cream on top. Then I would go float in your pool. Thank goodness summer is here! Love you, jojo
How marvelous is that???
I am begging for a day at Camp Neena.
What a great way to start your summer! Camp Neena, peaches & berries. Life is good.
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